Case Study

Direct sale of products via WhatsApp chatbot

The e-commerce company Wish is known for the most crazy and unusual products that you wouldn’t think of otherwise.

For the important e-commerce season around Christmas , Wish has come up with a clever marketing campaign on WhatsApp . The shopping chatbot “Willi, the Christmas elf” helps customers find the perfect gift.

Learn how Wish sells products directly through WhatsApp with their chatbot promotion.

Exclusive Insights:

  • Challenges: WhatsApp marketing campaign at Christmas to drive awareness and sales
  • Concept and implementation: Use of a WhatsApp chatbot as a gift inspirer with connection to the product catalog.
  • Successes: direct sales via WhatsApp, Ø 9 product views per user

“What totally fascinated me about the project is that I, or anyone without a software engineering background, can build a chatbot.”

Stefanie Kunze, Marketing DACH at Wish

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