Martechseries: “The Untapped Digital Marketing Potential of WhatsApp”

Martechseries – September 27th, 2019 | Communication via WhatsApp is more popular than ever. Martechseries reports how Digital Marketers can put this messaging platform at the front of their brand strategies and campaigns going forward.

Why Brands Must Prepare Today with WhatsApp and Co.

Marketing experts have to consider the role that Messenger apps currently play in consumers’ lives. WhatsApp has 1.6 million users over 180 countries; further, it is the messaging king in 133 of these. That is why digital marketers must be creative and put this app to their advantage, as some companies have been doing.

It remains to be seen how users react to these changes. The MessengerPeople Study 2018 demonstrated that two factors are decisive in Content Marketing on WhatsApp: shareability and attention. If direct adverts keep these tenants, they may stand a fighting chance.

More details in the Martechseries article: “The untapped digital marketing potential of WhatsApp.”

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