WhatsBroadcast becomes MessengerPeople and expands its software offerings

WhatsBroadcast, the software specialist for professional messenger communication expands its solution and rebrands as MessengerPeople.

Munich, August 29th, 2018. Since 2015, it has been WhatsBroadcast’s mission to offer businesses an innovative and successful way to communicate over messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

The Munich startup has grown from 5 to 60 employees in only three years, and has consistently reached a three digit percentual revenue growth. Currently over 1,400 customers from over 60 countries use the leading software-as-a-service solution to communicate with their target groups through messenger newsletters, customer service, and chatbots. Globally, the company has around 9 million subscribers using their messenger services solution.

From WhatsBroadcast to MessengerPeople

The young company’s growth trajectory continues: „Messenger Marketing is really gaining momentum now, “ says Matthias Mehner, Vice President Strategy & Innovation. „This is in part because WhatsApp, one of the most-used messenger services globally, has just opened their platform up to businesses.“
In the context of this messenger boom, WhatsBroadcast is rebranding as „MessengerPeople.” „The new name is a better match for our current profile and our expanded product portfolio,“ says Matthias Mehner about the rename. „For some time now, we have been broadening our focus: we aren’t only Whats(App) and we’re much more than only ,Broadcast’”

Connection to the biggest global messaging services

„With ‚Messenger‘ as a part of our name, we emphasize our comprehensive messenger approach: our SaaS solution is now connected to the biggest global messaging services. One of our main priorities is integrating more channels into our service portfolio,“ says MessengerPeople Managing Director Franz Buchenberger. In addition to the classic messenger newsletter, the Munich company has also developed innovative solutions for customer service and chatbots during the last year.

Buchenberger: „‘People‘ as part of our name stands for our dynamic, international, and engaged team. Each new technology needs trailblazers that understand companies’ demands as well as customers‘ needs.“

New Branding Higlights Unified-Messenger-Expertise

With the name change from WhatsBroadcast to MessengerPeople comes a new branding. The team’s messenger services specialization and expertise influences the new logo.
„The MessengerPeople logo is based on two elements that express our individual personality: the graphic refers to the diverse array of messengers that our solution supports – a key USP for our product assortment. The text stands for our passionate team of experts.“ says MessengerPeople Managing Director Franz Buchenberger about the redesign.

You can find the MessengerPeople at MessengerPeople.com.

About MessengerPeople

MessengerPeople is a pioneer in Messenger Services and the leading Software-as-a-Service provider for communication through messaging apps. The innovative platform allows companies to offer professional customer service and marketing over WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Insta. Over 1,400 companies, cities and communities, associations, institutions, political parties, and influencers in over 60 countries use the WhatsBroadcast solution. The successful Munich startup was founded in 2015 by Franz Buchenberger and Maximilian Tietz. As of August 2018, the Munich company is known as MessengerPeople and currently has 60 employees from 10 different countries.

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