Effective Messenger Marketing Campaigns With Profiling and Targeting

Our service now offers something new to enable you to use messengers more effectively in your marketing campaign. In addition to being able to divide your newsletter into sub-sections, you can now ensure that it reaches the right subscribers. By using our features to targeting subscribers and profiling them, you maximize the impact of your message. In this article, we will give you an example of how you can benefit from these tools .

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Our service’s success has been built on offering you the ability to divide newsletters into sub-sections that also serve as tags for your audience. In our system, you can select which categories and themes you would like to associate with your newsletter so that potential readers can find the information that is most relevant to them.

For example, let’s use a newspaper that wants to categorize its articles under subjects like ‘Politics’, ‘Sports’, ‘Business’, and ‘Culture’. As soon as your target audience reacts to the word ‘category’, he or she receives an individualized link to a custom profile and can then select particular categories of interest. In doing so, your audience becomes a recipient of newsletters tagged with those category labels.

The advantage of using this category feature is clear: your audience receives exactly the content they are interested in. In addition, your categories act as broadcast lists that can reach your audience almost immediately.


In addition to enabling you to reach your audience through categories, we are now offering a new function : targeting . This function allows you to put your subscribers into groups and disseminate your content accordingly.

To target your audience with specific content, let’s start with a feature called profiling . Using the different demographic characteristics available to you on our interface, you can determine which ones are most relevant to your intended target audience.

Let’s use our newspaper example from before to illustrate this point: You would like to find a new way to reach a target audience comprised of young readers under 20 years old with news from all over your region. To do so, you would need to be able to target readers by age and place. Afterwards, you would need to fill in the profiles of your readers by:

  • sending your readers individual links to their profiles and having them input their own data.
  • requesting this data from your customers through a chatbot.
  • manually filling in your customers’ profiles yourself.
  • transfering customer data that you have already collected to the MessengerPeople customer interface using the API- connection .
Please be aware that you cannot yet transfer preexisting distribution lists from your own system. The broadcast lists must be set up directly in the MessengerPeople customer interface.

Please be aware that you cannot yet transfer preexisting distribution lists from your own system. The broadcast lists must be set up directly in the MessengerPeople customer interface.


Once your subscribers’ profiles are filled in with their data, you are ready to start using this data to maximize the impact of your newsletters. You can now target different groups with specific newsletters based on your subscribers’ data. In addition, you can associate your newsletter with the different thematic categories available in the interface and ensure that subscribers who have selected those categories receive the right newsletter.

Why is Targeting a Worthwhile Idea for Your Messenger Marketing Campaign?

You can tailor the information that your subscribers receive. This not only builds your subscribers’ interest in your information but also inspires trust . In the long run, you can capitalize on our Targeting function to strengthen your subscribers’ loyalty to your brand.

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