How to Send Your First Messenger Newsletter

Congratulations! You’ve successfully registered with MessengerPeople! In this how-to guide, we want to give you the tools to become a Messenger Marketing expert. You can learn how to effectively use MessengerPeople services, how to customize your settings, how to send your first messenger newsletter, and how to gain followers.

For the perfect introduction into MessengerPeople, we differentiate in this article between trial customers and customers with a standard, gold, or platinum package.

Let’s get started together!

For Test Customers

1. Set up your account:

After registering with MessengerPeople, you can go to the customer interface to get familiar with and, if necessary, adjust the various customizable settings. Sign in with the login credentials that you receive over email, and let’s take a look at the most important settings.

Set the language for your customer interface: In Account Settings under the “User” icon in the menu, you can choose what language will be used for your customer interface.

Create your profile: Under the general Settings (Menu > Settings > General) you can create your profile. Name your channel and upload a profile picture (250 pixels by 250 pixels). The profile picture helps your subscribers recognize who is sending them messages. We suggest using your company’s logo.

Set your time zone: In the same area, you can choose your time zone. This setting is relevant if you send newsletters in a variety of regions. The distribution will always take place at the selected time in your specific time zone.

Create a welcome text: Under the rider “Opt-In Settings” you choose the keyword that your subscribers type to sign up for the newsletter. You can also customize the welcome text that they receive after successfully signing up.

2. Invite your Friends

Before you send your first message, invite your first ten followers (or friends, or colleagues) to receive your newsletter! You can do this with a simple link. The link includes a widget that automatically reveals the phone number that your followers save in order to receive the newsletter.

You can find this link in the menu under Settings > Widget, under the box with the HTML code. You can also customize Widget settings here, such as the Widget language, the text, or the design.

3. Send your First Messenger Newsletter

Now you can send your first messenger newsletter! Open “Newsletter” in the menu sidebar. Here you can send text, pictures, videos, audio files, or PDFs to your followers. If you want to set up a newsletter to be sent later, you can set up a Sending Time here. It’s also possible to send the newsletter using a mobile remote function. The messenger newsletter will reach your followers almost immediately!

Using Categories and Targeting:

Make sure your topics are important and relevant: let your followers be in charge of what content they receive by allowing them to choose specific categories. Additionally, you can use the targeting function to define specific target groups and send them specialized content.

Happy testing!

For Customers

1. Set up your account:

After registering with MessengerPeople, you can go to the customer interface to get familiar with and, if necessary, adjust the various customizable settings. Sign in with the login credentials that you receive over email, and let’s take a look at the most important settings.

Set the language for your customer interface: In Account Settings under the “User” icon in the menu, you can choose what language will be used for your customer interface. Additionally, under “Manage Users” you can add all users who will be able to access your account and individually set their authorizations. Please note that some of the following steps require administrator authorization.

Create your profile: Under the general Settings (Menu > Settings > General) you can create your profile. Name your channel and upload a profile picture (250 pixels by 250 pixels). The profile picture helps your subscribers recognize who is sending them messages. We suggest using your company’s logo.

Set your time zone: In the same area, you can choose your time zone. This setting is relevant if you send newsletters in a variety of regions. The distribution will always take place at the selected time in your specific time zone.

Create a welcome text: Under the rider “Opt-In Settings” you choose the keyword that your subscribers type to sign up for the messenger newsletter. You can also customize the welcome text that they receive after successfully signing up.

2. Create Your Widget

To allow subscribers to sign up safely and simply, we use a Double Opt-In Process. For this purpose, we give you access to a widget, which you can add to your website. You can promote your new channel with a specific landing page on your website, where you can display the Widget in a prominent place.

You can find the HTML code for the Widget in the Menu sidebar under Settings > Widget.  This is also customizable: design the Widget to match your corporate identity, specify the Widget language, and create an individual text!

Please make sure to never give out the specific phone number with which a user signs up for the channel. The Widget will automatically generate the phone number and using the Widget is the only way to successfully and securely sign up for the newsletter services.

In customer channels, the Messengers WhatsApp and Insta are automatically unlocked. You can activate Facebook Messenger yourself by going to Settings > Widget > Messenger. If you want to use Telegram, please contact us at: [email protected] .

3. Gain Followers

Sending the messenger newsletter is simple — the main part of Messenger Marketing is growing your number of subscribers! We have a few tips for you.

Promote your new channel: use a landing page on your website to tell your followers about the new channel and how they can sign up! Use the Widget to promote the landing page by placing it in a banner on the header, footer, or sidebar of your website.

Use your current reach: use social platforms where you already have a large fan community to stir up interest for your new channel!

Interact with your subscribers : studies show that more personal interactions with customers positively impact customer satisfaction and loyalty. Use our Chat Center for 1:1 communication with your subscribers and take advantage of our Chatbot Builder to create a Chatbot that can assist with your customer communication.

The Chat Center also allows you to manually manage your subscribers. For example, if someone interested in your newsletter tried to sign up but didn’t use the correct keyword, you can manually add them to the subscriber list. You can also use this feature to manually remove subscribers who are no longer interested in the service.

An extensive article about how to gain more subscribers is available here.

4. Send your First Messenger Newsletter

Now you can send your first newsletter! Open “Newsletter” in the menu sidebar. Here you can send text, pictures, videos, audio files, or PDFs to your followers. If you want to set up a newsletter to be sent later, you can set up a Sending Time here. It’s also possible to send the newsletter using a mobile remote function. The messenger newsletter will reach your followers almost immediately!

We recommend sending 1-3 Newsletters per day. If you send more than this, WhatsApp might mark your channel’s phone number as spam. Our experience shows that 1-3 daily messages is the ideal number to keep your customers satisfied and interested.

Create your own Content Strategy: Just like classic e-mail or social media marketing, Messenger Marketing doesn’t have a simple one size fits all content strategy — however, we have some general tips in our blog on how to create quality content that fits your individual business goals.

Using Categories and Targeting: Make sure your topics are important and relevant: let your followers be in charge of what content they receive by allowing them to choose specific categories. Additionally, you can use the targeting function to define specific target groups and send them specialized content.

5. Analyze your Success

After you’ve sent your first messenger newsletter, you can navigate to “Statistics” in the customer interface to look at data about your subscribers and Bots. Our system will track information about active users, click rates, and sent newsletters.

Happy testing!

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