WeFlyCheap and WhatsApp – How Messengers Help Your Business

Traveling websites already discovered WhatsApp as a marketing and communication tool. If there are any price alerts or error fares, they will have to be sent quickly. No surprise, that a lot of them choose the messenger service to distribute those information, while it is still hot. WeFlyCheap and WhatsApp – Why it helps your business!

WeFlyCheap is a five years old digital travel agency. The owners had the idea to travel the world and generate income by searching for the cheapest holiday deals for their fans. Five years later they are one of the biggest (travel) affiliate websites in the Netherlands, have a website for the Belgian market, and are aiming to expand even further. Currently their main work specializes in sending various deals to customers. The interesting part? There are some very cheap offers for WeFlyCheap’s customer. Those do have a high attraction in customers’ eyes.

1. Tell us something about the idea, which lead you to the decision to use WhatsApp as a communication tool? How did you find out about us?

WhatsApp is a direct communication tool. Everybody is using it, so this is a really interesting marketing channel . But it is also an excellent channel to use for webcare.

2. What goals have you set yourself in the beginning for the communication through WhatsApp and how are the results so far?

WhatsApp works really quickly. When you find a great holiday deal, you want to be able to communicate this to your fans right away . Our main goal is to find and send these deals to the community before our competitors do.

3. How has your community developed so far? Does your community like the service via WhatsApp?

They do. We’re seeing the numbers increase, and people are enthusiastic about the (webcare) service.

Another interesting interview with Social Chain :

4. How and for what kind of content do you use your WhatsApp channel? Is there any special/exclusive content, with an extremely high attraction regarding CTRs/feedback?

See answers above. 😉

5. In your opinion: What are the biggest differences between messenger on one hand and social media, email or apps on the other hand? Which advantages do you see in WhatsApp marketing?

The main advantage is the quick response. When we’ve sent a message, we directly see an enormous increase in website traffic. The impact of a Facebook post, for example, is more spread out throughout the day.

6. What do you think on how messenger marketing will affect the European markets? Will there be some major changes? Or will things will stay as they are? Are some channels going to switch positions regarding their importance?

I think the future is that companies will make more chatbots, voice assistants and perhaps other artificial intelligence instruments. This will save companies a lot of work and the customer will experience better service, if everything works correctly.

7. What kind of features are your favorites and how do you use them? What can MessengerPeople do for you in the future to make your results even better? Are there any special requests for features you would like to see?

The best feature is the ability to schedule and send WhatsApp messages to different groups (which is called “ categories “).

We got to thank you, Jeroen Horstman, for your interesting insights and are happy for your positive experiences with MessengerPeople and WhatsApp marketing so far!

Connect yourself with WeFlyCheap on WhatsApp now and experience their WhatsApp marketing by yourself!

Have a great idea for customer service via messaging apps and want to talk about it? Message us!