Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp Channel: How to Use Your WhatsApp Channel Efficiently

Messaging apps are popular – worldwide. The Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp Channel shows how the premiere Indian multi-platform business and financial company uses WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger & Co. to deliver news to their readers. Read more for innovative strategies, interesting content and expert insights by Bloomberg Quint and their WhatsApp Channel.

The most important things in brief:

  • Looking for high CTRs and an efficient way to spread breaking news? Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp shows you how to do it!
  • Urgent messages as well as customer relationships can be best handled over messengers!

Bloomberg|Quint, a partnership between Bloomberg Media and Quintillion Media, is India’s premier multi-platform business and financial media company. Bloomberg is a global leader in financial information and news. From their journaism work to the TV news network to the billionaire list and super premium events, Bloomberg is an iconic brand.The Quint is a leading Indian digital news and opinion brand, specifically targeting a mobile audience. Bloomberg|Quint harnesses Bloomberg’s unrivalled global resources with Quintillion’s market experience in platform-straddling broadcast, digital media, live events, and consumer insights and trends. The team at Bloomberg Quint is customer-focused and dedicated to delivering a better user experience each time, over each channel.

1. Tell us something about the idea that pushed you to use WhatsApp as a communication tool. How did you find out about MessengerPeople?

Business news in India is a cluttered and non-integrated realm. Yet readers of this genre have busier schedules and a higher than average need for crisp and curated content.

After conducting extensive research, we discovered that WhatsApp is more than just a personal messaging application for our consumers – it’s a tool that is fully integrated into their daily life. We thought that WhatsApp would work perfectly as a content distribution platform reaching out directly to our readers.

WhatsApp Business hadn’t been launched yet when we wanted to launch this new service. In today’s connected economy, we were exploring technical solution across the world.

The objective was to find a partner who could fit our product needs and deliver a seamless experience forour users. After evaluating a few solutions and testing them thoroughly, we found MessengerPeople to be the strongest solution provider.

2. What goals did you set for the Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp channel, and how are the results so far?

As per our projections, we targeted 100,000 users with the launch, and we achieved that. At present, the community has grown to over 225,000 active users enjoying curated news, stock bots and much more – they can receive everything directly through WhatsApp.

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3. How has your community developed so far? Do your users like the WhatsApp service?

We have an ever-growing community of 225,000 active users who are a significant part of our news consumption. Many of these users read over 30 news articles per month. A large subset of our audience uses stock bots and news bots to make faster business decisions.

We can proudly say that the Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp channel has become a lifestyle for many of our users.

4. How and for what kind of content do you use your WhatsApp channel? Is there any special/exclusive content that attracts extremely high CTRs or above average feedback?

Bloomberg|Quint launched India’s first business news messenger service for decision makers and executives on the go. The Bloomberg Quint WhatsApp channel was the first of its kind in the Indian market.

The service offers content from comprehensive daily coverage of global and domestic business news, to updates about market movements and insights from the country’s most influential corporate leaders.

Our users show the most interest in the latest stock market updates, business news and opinion pieces. WhatsApp also works well for the breaking news category, and news that impacts key business decisions tends to have the highest click through rates.

5. In your opinion, what are the biggest differences between messenger on the one hand and social media, email or apps on the other hand? Which advantages do you see in WhatsApp marketing?

The two are different types of media and fulfill different  needs. The majority of users use messengers more frequently than emails or apps. In cases where you want to reach out to them with an urgency factor, and you want a higher likelihood that they read your messenge, messengers are the best medium today .

6. How do you think messenger marketing will affect the Indian and international markets? Will there be some major changes? Or will things will stay as they are? Are some channels going to switch positions in terms of importance?

The future is bright for messenger marketing. Users spend a significant amount of time on these platforms. Messengers have become essential for reaching out quickly and reducing turnaround time. It’s convenient, easy to start using and just one click away. Brands are also starting to reach out to users over messenger to offer various services, as well as products.

Users from different geographic areas may be using different messengers, but all are using one or the other. WhatsApp has done well in India, while China is fixated on WeChat. Overall, the usage rate for these platforms is rising, and the ecosystem is growing rapidly.

7. What features are your favorites and how do you use them? What can MessengerPeople do for you in the future to make your results even better? Are there any special requests for features you would like to see?

The overall array of features is amazing and the system is quite open for customization. MessengerPeople is a great integration for the  Bloomberg Quint Experience Module.

A big thank you to Ankit Dikshit for his interesting insights, and we are happy to hear about your positive experiences with MessengerPeople and WhatsApp marketing so far!

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