WhatsApp Business API: What’s the status for WhatsApp newsletters?

The WhatsApp Business Solution (API) was launched worldwide last year, and is available over Business Solution Providers such as MessengerPeople. Using the API, businesses can now offer efficient, scalable WhatsApp customer communication in a way that is completely secure, both legally and in regards to data protection. As part of further dissemination of the WhatsApp Business Solution, WhatsApp has decided not to offer a newsletter broadcasting function. Current MessengerPeople customers have permission from WhatsApp to send newsletters until December 7th, 2019.

MessengerPeople has been a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider since January. Without this verification, it’s not possible for businesses to officially use WhatsApp. As a Business Solution Provider, we offer comprehensive support for integrating the WhatsApp Business Solution and are working closely with WhatsApp to ensure that companies can easily communicate with customers via WhatsApp.

What is the current status and the next steps for WhatsApp newsletter?

The WhatsApp Business Solution is currently fully concentrated on customer service and engagement. As a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, we are working in close cooperation with WhatsApp on the future of messaging communication, focusing on the user and their communication needs.

Current MessengerPeople customers and users of the Marketing Automation Platform can continue to send WhatsApp messages in a newsletter format to their target groups until December 7th, 2019.

After this point, WhatsApp newsletter broadcasting will be unavailable globally, supported neither from MessengerPeople nor from any other Business Solution Provider. Bulk messaging will then be in violation of the WhatsApp guidelines. WhatsApp reserves the right to take legal action against providers when guideline violations occur. More information can be found in the WhatsApp usage guidelines .

Although this came somewhat suddenly, this is a very positive and understandable development for us. For some time now, our customers have been using our solution more and more for customer dialogue rather than for newsletters. Communication is moving away from mass and towards class.” Matthias Mehner (CMO MessengerPeople)

We are convinced, that customer centricity and user-initiated engagement (pull communication) is the future of successful customer dialogue. With our Messenger Communication Platform, we already offer an official integration to the WhatsApp Business API and a variety of functions for professional, modern customer service via messaging apps. We are also currently working on additional features for the further development of successful messaging communication – we will keep you up to date as new features go live.

What does the WhatsApp Business API offer?

Focus on 1:1 Customer Service

When a customer writes a company via WhatsApp, a 24 hour customer service window is opened. Within the 24-hour window, the company can individually communicate with the customer via chat and WhatsApp doesn’t charge any further costs for the service. Businesses have the chance to raise customer satisfaction by offering faster, more direct support, with countless advantages in comparison with social media, telephone, e-mail, and live chat.

Notifications – Updates and Alerts

Notifications or Template Messages are another use case for the WhatsApp Business API, with which you can send standardized messages such as welcome messages, two-factor-authentification such as for online banking, booking and payment confirmations, delivery information, appointment reminders, and much more with the consent of the customer. “In real life, Notifications are usually for extremely useful things like flight time changes, appointment reminders, payment confirmation, or information about product delivery,” explains MessengerPeople CMO Matthias Mehner.

Click-to-Chat-Buttons for Websites and Social Media

Click-to-Chat-Buttons make WhatsApp an extremely low-threshold tool for customers to contact businesses, with a direct link on websites or social media.

We have your solution for the WhatsApp Business API!

With our new product, the Messenger Communication Platform , you can start using the WhatsApp Business Solution today!

The platform is a comprehensive solution for customer communication via WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Viber. It’s the first professional ticket system for customer service via messaging apps, and has a variety of innovative features which are currently revolutionizing customer service:

  • Unified Messenger Solution: manage customer service centrally, no matter which messaging app your customer writes you from
  • Chatbot Builder and Chatblocks : simple automation possibilities for efficient customer service
  • GDPR-compliant contact Widget: seamless and secure integration for messaging apps as a customer communication channel

Take a look inside the Messenger Communication Platform:

If you’re interested in getting a feel for the tool yourself, take advantage of our 14-day trial period, with full access to all features.

Try the Messenger Communication Platform for 14 days free!

Successful WhatsApp Business API Implementation: MessengerPeople and BMW

“Our WhatsApp Workshop service is already working extremely successfully. The automation possibilities have made our customer service much more efficient. The WhatsApp Business Solution has taken our customer service to the next level. Thanks to MessengerPeople, the integration was quick and easy!”

Albert Rösch, Service Department Leader for the BMW AG Branch Munich

Reading Tip: Find all the details about the WhatsApp Business API in our article: WhatsApp Business API At a Glance – Features, Potential, and Costs. For information about different use cases for the API and how to implement, check out: WhatsApp Business API: Usage Scenarios & Implementation .

Have a great idea about how to use messaging app customer service, or still have some questions? Message us to talk and learn more!