Personalized service via WhatsApp: INTERSPORT Hübner makes customers happy!

Case Study Retail: When German sports retailer INTERSPORT Hübner recognized the potential of WhastApp and Co. for customer service, they started offering customers personal advice via messaging app conversations. INTERSPORT uses this direct communication channel to increase customer satisfaction and draw prospective customers to its stores.

Kristin Marci has been in the marketing department for INTERSPORT Hübner for 8 years and leads the messaging app communication intitiative.

What was the idea behind the decision to communicate with customers via WhatsApp and Co.?

Messaging apps like WhatsApp are a communication channel that is used daily and is deeply rooted in the lives of young and old alike. Because the usage is so widespread it’s relatively low-threshold in terms of customers really starting conversations with us. We wanted to offer our customers this intuitive type of communication so that they have a free channel to send us quick questions about product availability, personalization, orders, etc..

We came across MessengerPeople through initial research in 2016 and after a few telephone calls with the MessengerPeople team, we stayed with them.

Our target group is primarily our customers who know us from our stores – often our core customers as well. Two employees from our team check incoming messages several times a day and try to answer them as quickly as possible after finding the right answer through an inventory check or communication with other locations.

What do you see as the primary benefits of customer service with WhatsApp and Co.?

  • Low barriers for customers to start a conversation
  • Focus on the customer by choosing a channel that they use daily
  • Personalized, individual approach to client dialogue

What results do you get from customer service via messaging apps?

Each week we receive between 3 and 10 inquiries, most of them relating specifically to orders, product availability or services. Almost every inquiry results in a visit in one of our stores.

Learn more about the INTERSPORT Hübner customer service case in our exclusive case study!

You want more information, knowhow and use cases? Then contact us via messaging app!