The best chatbots in 2019

We have gathered the best chatbots projects of 2019. Today the hype about chatbots has given way to reality. Companies are paying a lot of attention to the added value which the automation of dialogues, basically the core of a chatbot, brings. Companies such as Nestlé, BMW or UBA use such virtual assistants in three large subject areas: Marketing, Consulting, and Human Resources/HR.

The trend in chatbot and messaging app bots goes towards simple but quite effective chatbot solutions for customer communication rather than artificial intelligence-based virtual assistants, which most companies can’t afford anyway. Key advantages of these virtual assistants are pre-qualification, first level support and handing over a customer inquiry to a human agent.

In this article we show you the following chatbot-conversation-cases:

  1. Chatbot by Gamescom
  2. Chatbot by Nestlé
  3. Chatbot by BMW
  4. Chatbot by Women’s Best
  5. Chatbot by Telekom
  6. Chatbot by HUAWEI
  7. Chatbot by UBA

1 . Gamescom’s Gamesbot supports visitors before and during the fair

Aim: The WhatsApp chatbot of Gamescom, the “Gamesbot”, supports the visitors of the world’s largest gaming fair in the preparation of the fair (description of location and how to get there, ticket purchase etc.) and provides them with important information on site.

Subject area of the virtual assistant: Consulting

Description of the chatbot: The WhatsApp bot “Gamesbot” first takes you to its menu, where you can find out everything important for your preparation and stay at Gamescom simply by typing the appropriate letter.

Conclusion: Straight to the point and well structured, no-frills. The Gamesbot concentrates on the essentials and leads the Gamescom participant to the relevant information.

Tip: Participate in our webinar which shows you how easy it is to create your own chatbot.

2. Nestlé’s WhatsApp chatbot “Healthier Kids” gives parents nutritional tips for their kids

Aim: Healthier Kids gives nutritional tips for children – tips from parents for parents. The virtual assistant on WhatsApp asks for the name of the mother or father, the child’s age and grade (school or kindergarten). With this information, it creates suitable tips for the parents.

Subject area of the virtual assistant: Marketing

Description of the bot: Parents receive tips for ideal nutrition of their children via a WhatsAppconversion with a virtual assistant.

Conclusion: Low-threshold bot on WhatsApp, which gives parents valuable nutritional tips for their children on the basis of a few queries. The exciting thing about this WhatsApp bot: it re-engaged the users again and again within 24 hours, so that the connection to the user stays and is maintained. This allows the chat bot to continue pushing relevant content to its users.

Tip : If you would like more information about the 24-hour service window and related WhatsApp Notifications topic, we recommend our article: WhatsApp Business API: What are notifications?

3 . BMW’s Follow Now chatbot offers customers a real-time service for the repair status of their car

Aim: The Follow Now WhatsApp bot is designed to help customers keep track of their car’s repair status at all times, regardless of email or phone. The Follow Now bot supports customer service in first level, giving human agents more time for more complex customer inquiries.

Subject area of the virtual assistant : customer service

Description of the chatbot: Follow Now via WhatsApp provides customers with automated customer service that effectively informs them of the status of repair of their car.

Conclusion: Effective WhatsApp bot, which includes pre-qualification of the customer inquiry as well as scheduling appointments. It is quite exciting, because many customers make use of this possibility and consequently, there are less calls. Less calls and more automation supports the whole customer service team massively.

Tip: Read more about how the WhatsApp service reduces incoming calls for BMW and how BMW was able to automate its workshop customer service very easily.

4 . Women’s Best bot prequalifies customer enquiries

Aim: Women’s Best offers consulting and product advice as well as customer service via WhatsApp or Apple Business Chat. The bot pre-qualifies customer requests via messenger by asking about the language, country, name and email address of the user. The conversation is then being handed over to a human agent who processes and resolves the customer request.

Subject area of the virtual assistant: customer service

Chatbot description: Automated pre-qualification that effectively complements human customer service.

Conclusion : The pre-qualification pays off: with the handover from bot to human colleague, the expert already knows, what the customer wants or needs.

Tip: Read more about how Women’s Best was able to speed up their customer service in our case stuy: How Women’s Best uses WhatsApp to offer customers two times faster customer service

Also interesting for you:

We have a special webinar for you:
Chatbots in customer service – How-to .
Subscribe for free and learn how chatbots help making your customer service even more efficient!

5 . Telekom introduced a great storytelling campaign with their virtual assistant Arnie

Aim: Arnie, Telekoms WhatsApp chatbot, provides additional content as part of Telekom’s storytelling campaign. The sotires are supported by input from two testimonials: Christian Ulmen and Fahrid Yardim. The user can witness the conversations between the two protagonists, who talk about their advertising contracts in an entertaining way.

Type of virtual assistant : Marketing

Description of the chatbot : Offers additional content to the daily conversations.

The campaign is over. But here are some impressions of how it went.

Conclusion: This innovative way of WhatsApp storytelling worked really well. The commitment was four times higher than on Facebook and there were over 3,000 hours of interaction!

Tip: Storytelling via Messenger was not only entertaining, but also award-winning: “The world’s first interactive WhatsApp comedy series” is one of the many award-winning Messenger campaigns our customers ran in 2019.

6 . HiRobot, HUAWEI’s WhatsApp Chatbot helps customers find the right point of contact for their inquiry

Aim: HiRobot, the WhatsApp Bot from HUAWEI, supports customers in solving problems with their HUAWEI smartphone. After pre-qualifying the customer, HiRobot hands over to a human agent from the customer service team.

Subject area of the virtual assistant: customer service

Description of the chatbot: HiRobot is very efficient and effective because the customer request is being pre-qualified in a first level support, and the being passed-on to a human colleague in charge.

Conclusion: HiRobot is a very important part of the HUAWEI support team – it helps in a fast and effective processing of customer inquiries.

7 . LEO, United Bank for Africas mobile assistant on iOS

Aim: LEO helps customers of the UBA in a lot of different service tasks.

Subject area of the virtual assistant: customer service

Description of the chatbot: LEO provides alerts about money transfers, information on the current account balance, or helps finding the clostest ATM / open branch to the users location. With a simple click-to-chat button, the Apple Business Chat opens directly on any iOS device. The LEO bot can always transfer to a human employee for more complex questions.

Conclusion: UBA customers love their efficient and fast online banking bot, LEO. It speeds customer service up and helps on a 24/7 base.

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