Busy phone hotlines?! Read how WhatsApp can help in times of crisis communication!

Shops, gyms and restaurants have to close and are refering to telephone service instead! Authorities, offices and doctors are completely overloaded with the flood of calls! Call center can barely be operated from home office. Once again, it turns out that the telephone is not ideal for customer service in times of crisis. We show you how using WhatsApp in crisis communication offers quick help and very effective communication.

Just like British Columbia, many hotlines are currently experiencing the same problem: they are completely overloaded! The reason is simple: hotlines cannot be scaled quickly, are staff-intensive, often not home-office capable and simply require too much time and resources to process requests.

1) Answer inquiries efficiently and quickly: WhatsApp in crisis communication

We see a rise in customer service efficiency and productivity thanks to the asynchronous communication possibilities.“ Lukas Ratschke, Transgourmet

  • No waiting in line! All questions can be asked directly and answered later by your customer service. Less stress for your employees as well as your customers or interested parties.
  • Faster and better help! Can be done through quick answers with mostly predefined text modules.
  • More answers per employee: Possibility of processing several requests at the same time.
  • Easy access: Home office made easy thanks to cloud & web service – whether desktop or mobile.
  • Fast scaling of IT to more agents, immediately ready for use, low set-up effort and fast onboarding.
  • Automation: 80% of the questions are repeatedly asked – a virtual assistant can help answer those quickly and fully automized “First – Level Chatbot” (e.g. for FAQs).
  • All infos always available in chat history : All information, links, addresses etc. remain in the chat and you have them always with you!

We receive about 3,800 inquiries from customers, of which we answer about 3,000 automatically. The number of callback requests has fallen massively. Phone calls about car status are at almost zero. Albert Rösch, BMW

2) Quick and direct information: Crisis communication via Messaging App

The crucial question for authorities, organisations and companies at the moment is: how can I quickly and directly inform about current developments in connection with the corona virus (COVID-19) during the crisis? After the official end of WhatsApp newsletters in December 2019 , some alternatives emerged. The app Notify helps providing all stakeholders with relevant information quickly and directly in real time.

Whether podcasts of virologists on corona news, banks with current stock exchange news, authorities, institutes, associations or the classical media outlets – all rely on Notify as a fast and direct way for important updates on the corona virus.

Deploy WhatsApp in customer & crisis communication quickly, securely and effectively

With our software solution, the “ Messenger Communication Platform “, you can…

  • 👨‍⚖️ … use WhatsApp and other messaging apps fully GDPR compliant for your customer service
  • 🚀… start immediately and without any IT efforts necessary – even out of home office!
  • 💻… edit and reply to all messages centrally – no matter from which messaging app they were sent
  • ↔ … assign tickets manually or automatically via autorouting to your colleagues in charge
  • 🤖 … easily set up automations with the help of our chatbot builder
  • 💰 … use the No. 1 communication channel effectively and at a fair pricing and without a set-up fee for maximum personal digital consulting!

Get a first impression of our product here:

Tip : Arrange a live demo for the Messenger Communication Platform now. We will guide you through the product via a web demo and give you expert tips and answers to all your individual questions.

More questions? Just text us on WhatsApp!