Customer Service Software: Contemporary Customer Service via Messenger!

Customer service software, support software, customer care software, help desk software – the list of terms could be continued ad infinitum. All of them are terms for a software solution that supports your customer service and makes it more efficient.

In this post you will learn:

1. Definition: What is a Customer Service Software?

2. The Advantages of a Customer Service Software

3. Why does your company need a Customer Service Software?

4. Best Support Software Solution: The Messenger Communication Platform from MessengerPeople

1. Definition: What is a Customer Service Software?

A Customer service software is a “digital toolbox for customer service”. It supports the company in collecting, organizing, answering and finally managing customer inquiries via messenger chat à la WhatsApp & Co., telephone or e-mail. On this basis, customer service can efficiently process and resolve customer inquiries. Hundreds of different customer service software solutions are available worldwide, differing from each other in terms of size, platform type, compatibility, industry use and functions.

Support software also helps companies manage internal knowledge bases that provide customer service representatives with the information they need to resolve a customer complaint, for instance. Customer service software is integrated and, as a result, often directly connected to help desk software, knowledge management software, or the like.

2. The Advantages of a Customer Service Software

The biggest advantage of customer service software or support software is that it consolidates all customer communication in one place. Whether it’s customer inquiries, customer problems or suggestions, everything is automatically organized, categorized, scheduled and managed. Other advantages of support software include that a company can:

  • Track all customer emails and chat requests
  • Automate, measure and report on their customer service efforts
  • Acknowledge each customer request with an automated response
  • Route customer inquiries to the right customer service representative the first time
  • Save time and respond to their customers faster
  • Keep all customer service information in one place
  • Provide support around the clock
  • Prioritize their customer requests

3. Why does your company need a Customer Service Software?

Like Amazon & Co., the most successful companies worldwide are those that don’t just use customer centricity as a buzzword, but implement it in all their processes. Your customers are the most important part of your company, next to your employees and colleagues.

Customer service software is the tool that keeps you in touch with your customers and vice versa. With the best support software, companies can build and strengthen two essential aspects of customer relationships: trust and communication! Ideally, customer support software serves all relevant communication channels and touchpoints through which customers can get in touch with your company. This makes your customer communication effective and centralized.

Ultimately, this approach reinforces a modern and contemporary customer experience. Customers today want fast, personal and effective customer service on the communication channels they prefer. Way out in front are messenger apps like WhatsApp & Co. Telephone, live chat and e-mail still have their raison d’être.

But one thing is clear: overloaded customer service hotlines, service emails in the spam folder, or live chats on websites that are not mobile-optimized are annoying for customers and lead to negative customer experiences.

Despite this, however, 76% of respondents also admit that they typically switch to a competitor if they just have a bad experience with a brand they actually like.

Trusted Shops

4. Best Support Software Solution: The Messenger Communication Platform from MessengerPeople

Today, people organize their daily lives with modern communication tools on mostly non-public communication channels. Social media is out, messengers are in! The smartphone is their constant companion and the preferred apps for communicating with family, friends or business are messenger apps like WhatsApp & Co.

In Germany alone, around 60 million people use WhatsApp every day. Worldwide, the most successful messenger has recently passed the two billion user mark. The Messenger Communication Platform from Messenger People was developed with the aim of raising customer service to a new level and tailoring it even more to the needs of customers and their lives, in the spirit of customer centricity.

With the software, we offer a solution that enables the customer service of the future, starting today.
Franz Buchenberger, CEO MessengerPeople

The customer service software behind the Messenger Communication Platform allows your company to receive and respond to your customers’ requests via unified messaging on all relevant messengers. In addition, Messenger Communication has a lot of functionality to make customer service as efficient as possible:

  • The Messenger Communication Platform is browser-based and mobile
  • The Messenger Communication Platform dashboard is clearly structured and intuitive to use
  • Customer service employees (agents) can immediately see the status of tickets (customer requests) at a glance
  • Tickets can be easily distributed to employees via drag & drop or automatically
  • The agent overview (access only for supervisors and administrators) not only shows their status, but also who has actively processed or solved how many tickets from the assignment page (even without the agent overview). Each agent can dynamically assign a ticket to another agent.
  • The Messenger Communication Platform offers panels (namely 1:1 chats, user characteristics, ticket information, chat modules, ticket history) that can be activated with a single click
  • By using pre-built answers (chat modules) for recurring customer requests, which can be processed much more effectively by customer service employees
  • The free Chatbot Builder makes it possible to implement simple and efficient chatbots in first level support for customer service in a short time without having to rely on programming skills
  • Multimedia content such as images, animated GIFs, videos or audio files can be used

If you want to implement successful and cost-efficient customer service via Messenger, you can’t do without the Messenger Communication Platform, which meets all the requirements of the GDPR. Finally, let’s take a look at the decisive advantages of the Messenger Communication Platform compared to other support software solutions.

  • 80% better reviews and ratings by customers
  • 75% lower costs compared to traditional customer service structures
  • 53% higher willingness to buy on the part of customers
  • 60% faster problem resolution

These leave no doubt that your company will make its customer service even more successful, as many other companies have done before, as you can see from our success stories .

You can get a first impression of our customer service software here:

You can always participate in our free webinars. They will guide you through the product and give you tips on content and strategy for your customer service via Messaging Apps. How about the WhatsApp webinar for successful implementation and use ?