Lucky – the Chatbot for Car Dealers

“Lucky”, is the WhatsApp Chatbot for your Car dealership! He helps you with your daily customer communication in your Company and saves valuable time. The nice thing is, that “Lucky” can easily be customized to meet the needs of any dealership. As a WhatsApp service Chatbot, he learns, works even on weekends, greets returning customers in a friendly manner and is included in every MessengerPeople package. And if the Chatbot doesn´t know further, he easily hands over the request to a real employee. By linking with general automotive CRM systems, however, the appointment-making process can be made even easier.

What can “Lucky”, the car dealership Chatbot, do?

The personal connection you already have with your customers every day at the dealership can be easily transferred to a digital channel via WhatsApp. “Lucky”, the specially developed WhatsApp Chatbot for car dealerships, supports you in this.

“Lucky” will take care of all common customer concerns for you at your car dealership:

  • Appointment agreement for a test drive or a consultation appointment
  • Handling of cost release processes
  • Transmission of repair status
  • Query of personal data, license plate number or mileage
  • Roadside assistance and damage reporting via photo and video
  • Information about general themes like opening times or location of the car dealer

…and you only take over when it becomes relevant.

In this video, we show you whats “Lucky” can do for you and how he works:

By integrating soft-nrg’s (software solution for car dealers) appointment scheduling solution into the WhatsApp Chatbot “Lucky”, car dealerships can make appointments via WhatsApp even more efficiently. An automated agent (Chatbot) asks the customer in the WhatsApp chat all the information required by the car dealership (name, license plate number, vehicle type, desired repair services, etc.) and offers the best possible appointments for selection based on this. By linking the WhatsApp channel to the dealership’s appointment management tool, the customer always receives the latest available appointments and can book them directly with binding effect. All without manual effort on the part of the dealership.

With the dovetailing of our WhatsApp chatbot for car dealerships “Lucky” with the appointment scheduling solution from soft-nrg, WhatsApp becomes even more attractive for numerous car dealerships. With this the Degree of automation is increased again and the Car Dealer saves valuable resources.

Matthias Mehner, CMO & Managing Director

Car Dealer Chatbots in practice

BMW: up to 60 percent fewer calls

With WhatsApp, we are now taking our customer support to the next level. Thanks to MessengerPeople, the integration was quick and easy.

Albert Rösch, Head of Service Consulting BMW

Together with us, BMW has already optimized its workshop service in numerous car dealerships with a WhatsApp Chatbot – similar to “Lucky”.

  • 80% of inquiries are successfully answered by the WhatsApp Chatbot
  • 60% fewer calls
  • 90% Recommendation rate for the WhatsApp service

👉 Click here for the BMW Case Study .

Volkswagen Frankfurt: Making appointments via Chatbot

Lucky – the car dealership chatbot – also provides first level support at Volkswagen in Frankfurt! Customers are asked for the most important data and information (FAQ query), e.g. whether they are already a customer. Once the type of appointment and the appointment itself have been confirmed, the bot hands over to the appropriate employee in the WhatsApp chat.

👉 To the article: How Car Dealerships Can Use Messaging Apps to Support Their Customer Communication Efficiently and Professionally

Autohaus Ostermaier: Lead pre-qualification via chatbot

Autohaus Ostermaier has adapted Lucky for the use of WhatsApp in its sales. At the dealership group with over 5 locations, customers can contact them directly from an offer on the website via WhatsApp. In the process, the offer details are automatically sent along. This means that customers no longer have to type in details, of the offer they are interested in themselves. Once the first message has been sent, the chatbot asks for the customer’s full name and then passes it on to the sales team.

Contacts pre-qualified by the chatbot are transferred directly to our CRM and assigned to an agent.

Andreas Jerchel, Marketing Manager at Autohaus Ostermaier

👉 Click here for the Interview with Andreas Jerchel “How WhatsApp boosts sales at Autohaus Ostermaier”(German).

How do I promote my WhatsApp car dealership chatbot Lucky?

WhatsApp does not offer any option for advertising. However, the user must always write first – only then may the car dealership respond (see: GDPR & WhatsApp ). Car dealerships must therefore advertise their WhatsApp service externally so that existing or future customers contact them via WhatsApp!

📥This infographic is designed to help car dealerships consider a few points about building users (also available for download as a .pdf printable)

💡 In this article we deal with this topic in detail and give many tips and tricks for WhatsApp user building.

“Lucky” the car dealership chatbot: quick, secure, and effective use

With our software solution Messenger Communication Platform ” you can…

  • 🤖 … use “Lucky” immediately in a few steps – WITHOUT additional costs
  • 🚀… customize “Lucky” to your needs without any IT effort and start with your WhatsApp service!
  • 👨‍⚖️ … use WhatsApp and other messaging apps in a GDPR-compliant manner in customer service and consulting
  • 🛠️ … connect your WhatsApp service and “Lucky” with existing systems
  • 💻… manage customer messages from multiple locations and departments in one interface
  • 💰 … use the No. 1 communication channel effectively and at a fair pricing and without a set-up fee for maximum personal digital consulting!

Tipp: Arrange a Live Demo for “Lucky” and our Messenger Communication Platform now. We will guide you through our product via web demo and give you expert tips as well as answers to all your questions.

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