Case Study

Better Informed Citizens Thanks to WhatsApp Covid Chatbot

There are many uncertainties and questions surrounding the Covid 19 pandemic and the symptoms of the coronavirus. Therefore, the citizens of the state of Telangana should be given the opportunity to chat with their government via WhatsApp and receive valuable information. With their WhatsApp service, the state is sending a clear message against the spread of Fake News and instead helping its citizens get accurate information and updates quickly.

Learn how the state of Telangana uses a chatbot to keep its citizens informed 24/7 on all government actions and creates more security among its citizens with additional features.

Exclusive insights:

  • Challenges: A lot of misinformation and fake news in circulation
  • Concept and implementation: Multilingual WhatsApp chatbot with menu guidance on symptoms, government actions and much more
  • Successes: Real-time Covid-19 information and reduction of fake news

Fighting the spread of fake news around Covid-19 and keeping our citizens always informed is the key concept of our WhatsApp chatbot .

Sri KT Rama Rao › Minister for IT, Industries and MAUD

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